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Project management course in Rawalpindi - Rawalpindi
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Item details
Rawalpindi, Punjab
Offer type:
Rs 35,000
Item description
Project management course in Rawalpindi, Project management course in Rawalpindi, Project management is best course in Rawalpindi, college of technical education is best intitute for that course, admission open for boys and girls, for more detail, o3115193625.Project management involves the process of planning, organising, and managing a project from start to finish in order to achieve specific goals. If you are already working in a corporate environment, or would like to, a project management course could be perfect addition to your education.Successfully managing a project requires effective planning and adherence to the industry's best practices in every step of the process. By understanding the fundamentals of project management, you will be better prepared to initiate a project in your organization and position it for success. In this course, you will identify effective project management practices and their related processes.This course is designed for individuals whose primary job is not project management, but who manage projects on an informal basis. Also, anyone who is considering a career path in project management and desiring a complete overview of the field and its generally accepted practices can benefit from this course.This course guides students through fundamental project management concepts and behavioral skills needed to success-fully launch, lead, and realize benefits from projects in profit and nonprofit organizations. Successful project managers skillfully manage their resources, schedules, risks, and scope to produce a desired outcome. In this course, students explore project management with a practical, hands-on approach through case studies and class exercises. A key and often overlooked challenge for project managers is the ability to manage without influence—to gain the support of stakeholders and access to resources not directly under their control. Special attention is given to critical success factors required to overcome resistance to change. We will review causes of project failure and how to mitigate risks through proper planning in the early phases of a new initiative.The concepts in this course will be taught using a combination of lecture, discussion, and dialogue around cases, with emphasis on active learning. A case is a comprehensive exposition of a real managerial situation describing a set of problems and requiring a plan of action. The case method provides a pragmatic framework for the learning process. Its success depends heavily on student preparation and active participation in class discussions.The case method of learning requires that each person prepare for the case on his or her own. While there are no right or wrong answers, there are good and bad analyses as well as hasty and impractical recommendations. This course highlights the process of arriving at your own conclusions and recommendations, rewarding those that marshal evidence in the case analysis and apply careful thinking to shared problems.Case preparation has two major parts: diagnosis and solution. They should be tightly connected. In the diagnosis, it is critical to distinguish between the symptoms (case facts) of a problem and the actual problem (causes). The solution should be sound and capable of implementation.The real discussion of a case takes place in class. Meaningful discussions depend upon five prerequisite conditions: 1) presence, 2) punctuality, 3) preparation, 4) participation, and 5) pertinence. Each student must be thoroughly familiar with the details of the case and be ready to share his/her views with the class. The case method demands that students challenge each other’s ideas and collectively build upon the collective deliberations. The instructor, in this format, only facilitates the discussion. The instructor does not judge who or what is right or wrong given the case at hand.The overriding aim of any case study is to explore the entire range of key issues and fully articulate the potential pros and cons of the possible measures.You are expected to be present for all classes, arrive on time, and submit all assignments on time. If you absolutely cannot attend class, please let the instructor know in writing in advance.Your in-class contributions are important because you will be learning from one another. The case instructor’s role is not to impart wisdom, but to facilitate your learning from each other. Our discussion should not always arrive at some consensus. To the contrary, comments that identify the pros and cons of alternative decisions and generate a healthy debate are strongly encouraged.While we anticipate vigorous in-class discussion, we expect arguments to remain professional. In this spirit, we ask that class members speak only when called upon. Whoever is talking should receive the full attention of the class; listen to what he or she has to say and build upon previous speakers’ comments. Try to wait to raise your hand until someone has finished talking. Finally, address your comments to the entire class, not just to the instructor.Please come fully prepared and ready to participate for every class. You may be called upon to open a case by presenting your analysis and recommendations at the start of class or to be asked for a comment in the midst of the discussion.In this course, you will examine the elements of sound project management and apply the generally recognized practices to successfully manage projects. You will: Identify the key processes and requirements of project management.
Initiate a project.
Plan for time and cost.
Plan for project risks, communication, and change control.
Execute, manage, and control a project.
Close a project.
Initiate a project.
Plan for time and cost.
Plan for project risks, communication, and change control.
Execute, manage, and control a project.
Close a project.